Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sociological context of health and social care

Sociological context of health and social care 


Sociological perspectives is the methods of understanding of different kinds of sociological approaches which helps to realize the social equality and explanation and also helps to understand the usages of health and social care. However the cultural issues and brief are also related to society and the people try to work together and build up a good communication as well as the people try to understand the behavior, construction of new social forms and try to share the felling and emotion with each other for the better communication and better relation also. By understanding the situation of the social issues, the people become aware to the social issues and they become conscious about their health and social care, social services from their own ideas and the construct their planning for the social care setting and health behavior.      

1.1 Explaining how political, social and economic constructs can be used and the meaning of social construction.

For the all kinds of people, society is very essential and the society also select the level and their position of the people and the people try to maintain their situation according to their position in the society and the society create the position and inequality based on the system.
 By the age, ethnicity, households, social relationship, social formation and living condition, the society try to determine the sociological position and level of the people and the social stratification systems is very essential and used for the class position.
According to Albrecht, Fitzpatrick and Scrimshaw (2003) the political, social and economic constructs are very essential for the level position and situation of the individual in the society and ethnicity and gender are another essential thing for the positioning and the color of the human are being special groups in the social issues.
Family and household structure also determine the social level and family relationship also includes the essential positioning according to the systems as well as the educational factor of a family also influence the positioning and the improve the level of any people in their society and the employment and unemployment are also responsible for the positioning as well as calls position of the peoples.   

1.2 Reviewing the current trends in society in the UK and explaining how these might shape expectations.

In UK, the current trends in society refers to the social change and those are being categorized with the local and international level as well as the society are being more improve for their increasing demography which is determined. The quality of the people are being improved and the skill are being developed by the systems as well as the economic growth helps the country to develop the whole condition of a country and technological development is also related to others as well as it is proved by the all that a country which is technologically developed, the country is more improve than the others country. As a result, the society has been developed in their multiple sectors and the economic sector helps the society to develop and more advances than the others.
It is known to all that the integration people of a society influence the change of the other society and it is very essential for the social change and it works directly for the society as well as the current trends in society in UK are very equal to the changes and the social changes influence the social expectation directly and the calls position and social changes are being related to the social expectation as well as the current trends of the UK influence the besides country (Cleland et al., 2011). The city of London is more develop in socially than the Kolkata city and the two types of changes and social shape are being noticed.    

1.3 Explanation how cultural values and briefs influence the society.

Individual thinking and personal brief are responsible to change the cultural values and briefs in the society and it is known to all that the individual thinking varies to person to person. The choice, cloths, foods and behave is being varied to change the culture values and briefs and that is differ to different society according to their own perspectives as well as people determine their culture, ethnic and religious and others festivals of a society.
According to  Gallant, Keita and Royak-Schaler (2000) their religious view, the people determine their culture and the followers of a religious, they try to maintain their cultural values and briefs and they also try to receive their best on their best services from their culture and religion impact on their society and able to make more diversity in their society.
Position on the society depends on the cultural values and briefs according to their social perspectives and the national background are also influence the culture and beside countries cultural values and briefs are also influence the society and the political thinking also change the thoughts of the others and different from one to another (Larson and Williams, 2003).  

1.4 Evaluating the implications of changes in society on the health and social care sector.

The implications of the social changes impact on the sectors of health and social care and the change of society is related to the sectors of health and social care as well as the technological development also influence the social change and social services and the development also interconnected to their whole change and the current trends also.  
Resources in health and social care is also responsible for the services and the according to their knowledge having more conscious they try to manage the whole field of health and social care. Cumulative approaches of the social elements are also influenced the change for the social changes.
Access in health and social care and services impact on the change of social care and health and the field of the social care get a new dimension in the field of health and social care as well as the cultural values of a society helps to change the social customs and helps the better position and better social fields also (Looman and Lindeke, 2005).       
Social culture and values influence the people’s behavior in group or the individual and helps to realize the usefulness of the personal values and brief and those are being helpful to change the social customs and values and to reach a better level of the social purposes.

2.2 identification the theoretical perspectives underpin these reports and analyzing the social inequalities from their perspectives

For the all peoples, social inequality is very essential which is allocated resources and it is very powerful for the group people and relatively form the others as well as the inequality makes the unequal treatment for the health and social sectors. All kinds of social behavior, culture and factors impact on the social peoples and the group people are being influenced for the calls position and situations based on the inequality.
Morrow, Varcoe and Hankivsky (2007) refers to they are many facts for the health equality according to their social class and this impact on the not only social class but also to gender, ethnicity, age, disability and mental health status as well as the government have made the serious efforts for the solving of people and the social issues are being maintain before the problem increase. The social position must be controlled for the equality over the power and rules on the society.
For the increasing power of the group, male treatment must be decreased and the inequality relation of exercising power makes the society for the society as well as the bourgeois’ and proletariat help to increase the eternal power for the society based on the framework. For the analyzing the access, sociologist try to equality of the wealth and the government must ensure their employment and the solving the problems of the people.
The power relationship is very essential to understand the social inequality and calls position and that’s varies on the personal criteria and all kinds of individual perspectives. The political issues and the economic systems of the society are the main power according to the consensus theory and those are responsible to the change of the society and  that’s will be the helpful for the powerful group and makes the society stronger than the others (Rothman, Armstrong and Tiger, 2008).  

2.1 explaining inequalities exist in health and social care.

In the health and social services, it is focused the issues to the difference among the statistics and the current trends shows that the calls position are not equal to the health and social services as well as the data reflect the amount of incident in London for the inequalities in health and social care which comes from the other kinds of perspectives as well as differ to the different issues.
In the society, the people position differs to the class according to their life style, present situation and relationship, people’s behavior and life expectancy. The lower class people do not get more support and do not get better scope in the health and social care but on the other hand the upper class people take more scope and support in their health and social care services. The birth rate of the upper class is lower than the poor people and the economic factors are taking scope than the others for their betterment than the other people of the society (Rusinova and Safronov, 2016).      
Life expectancy at birth (2013-2014): across the whole country, it is seen the much differences in the life expectancy.
Kensington and Chelsea 82.6 years
Tower hamlets 77.5 years           
Health life expectancy at birth (2012-2014):
Tower hamlets 53.6 years
Richmond upon Thames 71.2 years
Barking and Dagenham 55.5 years
Richmond upon Thames 71.2 years
Infant mortality (2011-2013):
2001-03 5.7 per 1,000 live births
2011-13 per 1,000 live births
Homes lessens (2012-2013)
There are about 17,030 households in London were being homeless and this amount 1 in 3 of the acceptances in England
2008-2009   3.14 per 1,000
2012-2013     5.03 per 1,000  

3.2 Explaining how to social and health issues are socially constructed.

It is very essential for the social construct to improve the theory based on the shared assumption and the health and social cares issues is related to the social construct for the betterment of individual and group people of a society and the people upper class level people try to maintain the diseases and the lower class are not maintain from their own perspectives. Based on own perspective and culture, the people get involve and do not care about their diseases. The social values depend on the stratification system and this system is very vital for the social and personal perspectives.
Educational attainment (2013-2014) in London:
England 56.8%
London 61.4%
 People cannot think about their natural thinking and real meaning in the social construct and their health and social care services and those are come from their own culture and habits and also from their individual background (Scheid and Brown, 2010).

2.3 analyzing inequalities which exist in health and social care can impact on an individual’s health status and life chances.

In the health and social care services, individual perspectives depends on the personal views and those varies to person to person because the concept of the all people are not equal as well as inequalities in health and social care impact on the health and status and life chances for the a specific group of peoples and the services are being positive and negative for the different kinds of peoples. The powerful people try to control the process with their knowledge and mental ability and on the other hand, the powerless people cannot. But the individual perspective depends on the medical services and health care and the lower class people are more vulnerable than the other who are able to access the medical services and health care. For the social people, security is the main things for the maintaining the problems.
For the future life, there are many kinds of reasons of problems and the birth rate problem is one of the main and the causes of high rate of birth hampers the individual health status and life changes and it may cause the nutrition problem and it will be a great problems for the poor people and upper level class peoples access the nutrition for the good health.
The people try to their level best to fulfill the individual needs and the upper class people try to assure the health and social services and the female are not get the equal opportunities and they survive the lack of nutrition. So, gender health equality must need for the individual purposes and can try to solve their problems.    
Pure water and sanitation is very essential for the common people of the society and he or she can face the problems and try to their level best to recover the problems and the community cannot access this and individual position is very essential to define the human behavior and the health and social care services is included the all things of the society as well as the relation of the peoples are being inequality for the class positions (Thomas, 2003).  

3.1 Applying sociological concepts and theory to definition of health and well being.

Health: health refers to the stage of being free from the metal and emotion which is recognize himself in the society and that helps the well being to be a perfect man as well as healthy conditions and a proverb goes that health is wealth and it will help to become healthy. The sociologist refers that health is a state and makes the individual perfect man of any kinds of conditions and those are being free from the mental diseases. One the other hand, a sick man must have too played in their roles and responsibilities.
Illness: illness refers to the opposite word of the health and the person is a problem for the society in a condition and others members call him treat or a sick man. The man go to himor her own process and try to create different social identity as well as the health people must have to maintain the condition for the betterment of the society (Antonovsky1990).
Disability: disability refers the condition of person who cannot maintain their condition according to their social trends and social perspectives. They cannot perform their best to maintain the whole situation of the society and not able to work for his or her and the society also.  

3.3 Explaining the possible implications of social and health issues for health and social care providers.

There are different kinds of social and health issues which increase the population changes and the social career try to manage the whole situation according to their activity as well as the enhance of the population mobility, working expectation and development of the technologies are very harmful for the society. For the social career, it is much needed for the betterment and by solving the ongoing problems, social care setting is much needed for the betterment and provider’s best activities are much needed for the solving problems.
The social career try to follow the technique and the service providers try to overcome the problems according to their life style and working conditions. For the solving of the issues, it is much needed for the providers to usage the media and creates the opinions of the public and those are the great solution to minimize the problems.
The usage of technologies and amplification of the social agenda, the providers get more advantages for the better solution of the work and those may be the supportive things for the patients as well as the services providers of the health and social care. 

 3.4 Analyzing social and health issues and their impacts on the health and wellbeing of individual in society.

There are many kinds of issues which is impact on the health and social issues on the individual in society and unemployment and disability are the great impact on the society and the stress building create more problem on the psychologically and mentally.
Housing problems are also vital factors to the individual society as well as transformation hamper the general life style of the society and those are being more serious from the past and the people who are unable to work for individual and social issues have a great problem for the society.
Sociological perspectives examine the whole situation of a country and it examines the political, social, economic issues which are related to society. It is well known to all that in a society elder people get more attention than the younger for the time of the social construction that means the class position.
Population problem are also responsible for the issues and the increasing the population impact on the society and those are the burden for the society (Barry and Yuill, 2013)..
Conclusion: In this assignment, the social discipline and different social perspectives are be discussed and by these concept the learners will be able to understand the sociological approaches as well as will be able to understand the concept of health and social care and exploring the dimension of health and illness. But it is very essential for the all people of inequality which impact on the individual health status and life chances and the current trends of society try to access the economical and medical services for the betterment of the social proposes.



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