Introduction: Psychology is the study of human behavior. Psychology also deals with the human activities, trait and practices performed in the society. This is the subject of applied science and it has the own field to apply this study. Psychology is the science of the total conditions to measure, test and observe of human being and reach the target that is placed in the basis in sound scientific methodology. It influences the human behavior throughout different life stages and also influence in health and social care of humans. Different specialists of psychology make several theories regarding human behavior problems and give the right solution to remove it. In this assignment, it will be show the different psychological theories in lifespan development, explain psychological theories, social and biological factor that influence in human behavior and the influence the psychology factor that influence in health and social care.
Task 1
AC 1.1Compare different psychological theories of lifespan development:
In human life, the changes occurs births to death of human being. The psychological theories of lifespan development described that the importance methodical study of psychological powers that mark up about human behavior, sensibility, pleasure and experience (Nezu, Nezu and Geller, 2012). It’s called the psychodynamic approach that is concern in the development relationship between conscious motivation and unconscious motivation. Here are the different psychological theories in lifespan development:
Psychodynamic term is used to the most honorable and famous psychologist Sigmund Freud. He uses this theory and encourages using this theory. This term is represented the process of mind as progress of psychological energy in a natural complicated brain. He shows that every people needs several fundamental things by birth include with sex and assault. He discussed the development of human being by this theory. Here are described below:
Oral Stage: This stage is start from 0 month and end to 12 months. This is the primary level of the human being. In this stage, the children can do only by the mouth because the only sensor mouth is working in this age. The childhood does anything their work by their mouth. This is the absolute way to doing all things. For this reason, they use their mouth to want anything, attract people, play game (Barlow, 2001).
Anal Stage: This stage consists of the age 1 to 2 years. In this stage, the baby is playing with human dirt. The most common feature is this age is moving the parts of the body and playing using the organ of the body.
Phallic Stage: This stage begins from the age of 3 to 5 years. This stage focuses on the genitals as pleasure seeking areas of the body. In this age, the children tend to develop characteristics of the same sex parent. Males may take great pride in their masculinity and their sexuality while women may become flirtatious and promiscuous during this ages.
Latent Stage: this stages start from the ages of 6 and continues until the ages of 11. The impact of sex is very few and there is no pleasure seeking region of the body during this age. The children are busy to find new knowledge, social skills, nature and many things in this age.
Erik Erikson described in behavior approach theory that social development of mankind is not easy. This stages begins form the early of life and ends until the final stage of life. Here are the stages of Erik Erikson:
Infant: This stages start from the early of life and end the ages of 2 years. This is the stages of building a relationship between children and mother. The virtues happened in hope in this age. The felling and trust to each other is virtues in this stage (French, 2010).
Toddler: This age consist of the year from 2 to 3. In this age the children makes a relationship with their parents as well as the family members. It is the perfect time of mental development, feelings and emotion. The children take the training of good mentality set up during this age.
Preschooler: This stage begins from the age of 3 years and end of 5 years. This is the perfect time to understand the development of mental process and play any types of game. In this age, the children can explore and using tools or making art. The children can usually able to do work and show their brevity during this age.
School Age: School age is consisting of the 5 to 12 years. In this age, the children can read book and going to the schools. There are several virtues achieve such as management, coordination etc during this age (Parker, 2012).
Adolescent: Adolescent is the age of 12 from 18 years. In this age, the people try to make the social relationship with others. There are some basic virtue develop in this age like as respect mind, trustworthiness, integrity etc.
Young Adult: This age begins 19 years and ending at the age of 39 years. It the stage of romantic relationship and make many friends and partner from the human circle.
Adulthood: it the year from 40 to 64 years. In this stage, the people can work in household, workmates and other (Parker, 2012).
Old Adult: This is the final stage of the human life. This stage consists of 64 and still now before death.
Piaget’s Cognitive development theory is describes that intelligence is playing fundamental role that human to identify the environment and adapt to it.
AC 1.2 Explain how psychological theories and concepts are related to specific life stage:
According to Rosner, Lyddon and Freeman (2004) Piaget’s cognitive development theory is known as a developmental stage theory. It is the based on cognitive perspective that showed on the process that allow indentifying and thinking about the world. In this explanation, the differences observe by the logical abilities between child and adult. This focuses the difference in the cleverness of the answer and different stage of knowledge. Piaget explained it that human development slowly by the biological maturation and environmental experience in different life stages. Here are four stages in this below:
Sensor Motor Stage: The duration this stage is 2 years from birthing of the children. In this age, the children learn the objects and people around them.
Preparation Stage: The duration in this stage is 2 to 7 years. During this stage, the children are able to use symbols to represent objects from their own way.
Concrete Operational Stage: This age consist with 7 to 11 years. In this stage, the children can able to identify from a different point of view.
Formal Operational Stage: It is the age of adolescents and can think multiple variables in different ways (Dobson, 2012).
Task 2
AC 2.1 Explain social and biological factors that influence child/human behavior:
Human behavior is related in different factors that influent in human being. Social and biological factors are the main factors that influence in human behavior. Human behavior is connected to show the every physiological action and detectable emption that followed human contest. Human behavior has changes in different ages and different situations (Reynolds and Fletcher-Janzen, 2009). For this reason, human behavior influences by social and biological factors. In this below, explain social and biological factors that influence human behavior:
Social factors: Human aspects are increasing the influence of social conditions, conventional culture and social factors. There are some social factors that influence in human behavior. In the society, the people collect the knowledge, skills, language and other fundamental objective that give the right direction for better lifelong. This can influence in human behavior. Most of the children stay with their family and it is very closely influence the behavior of a children. The child follow the other members work in the family. On the other hand, education is very important to change the human behavior from bad to good. For example, good education shows good behavior from the children and bad education shows the bad behavior from the children. As well as the social culture, media, environment also influence in human behavior by the social factors (Reynolds and Fletcher-Janzen, 2009).
Biological factors: Human behavior genetics is the co filed of behavior genetics that research act and this situation influence in human behavior. Genetic trails prepare an issue on the human behavior. There are some biological factors influences in human behavior. One of the most important factors that influence in human behavior is genetics and it affected in human behavior. There are difference types of people in the world divided by the talents, knowledge and intelligence. For example, the harm of the brain can influence the talents of the people. For this reason, biological factors influence in the human behavior (Reynolds and Fletcher-Janzen, 2009).
AC 2.2 Analyze the important of social roles in providing comprehensive approach to patient care:
In health and social care, the fundamental role of the context of psychology work for development of the patient care. Social role identify the proper solution of human behavior that is habitual from the society where people live. Social roles in very important to explain the nature the human behavior and demands of contract that can be determine the individual attention and support to develop the other people. This social role can lead the good relationship with the support in health and social care that helps to find out the different communication properly. It also follows the result on the skilled work. It is very important for good nutrition, parental care and removing mental disorders maintain both psychological and physical health of adults. The most important in health and social care like as seeking them, social support to work, learning new skills to observe useful for the patient care (Fass, 2004).
Task 3
AC 3.1 Analyze the application of psychological theories to individuals experiencing elevated levels of stress related with work relation, illness and chronic illness:
Stress means that the individual person what to the accidental environment and situation. This is influence on the mind of human being. This term is very not favorable for unsuited environment, job condition, burden of work, limitation in work hours, disturb by the colleague etc. it is the negative impact on the human body. For this reason a man can affected different illegal work such as drug addiction, suicide, heart attack and several harmful acts. In the family, it can bring the disconnection of family member (Srivastava, 2006). Here are discussed about stress related with work relation, illness and chronic illness by physiological theories:
The work relation stress can be improved by the conditions of strong workloads, less rest and long working hours. Also cause of the stress in the work place deals due to the addition of management style. The need of effective management is one reason because they have no any goals and due to that can improvement stress in the work place. Following to the theory of Erik Erikson, Psychological development helps to distinguish how much variation can be different from the encumbrance of present and past standards of traits. The other causes for stress in working place due to the bad environment like as uncomfortable elements (Srivastava, 2006).
The other reason of stress is the illness of body that is very affected in human injury. There are several diseases has badly influence in the human being. Sometimes a man who affecting some diseases like as cancer, hart attract, kidney diseases may thing more and more about it and it make the patients more emotional stress. By the carelessness of these diseases, there are some harmful effects on the patient body. So the patients need to help from others to resolve this problem.
Chronic stress is generally the different from notion to acute stress. For this reason, different harmful illnesses such as brain cancer, tumor disease, etc and it happened by the stress. Sigmund Freud used the term personal disorder in unconscious theory. It happened in this chronic stress (Sanderson, 2004)
AC 3.2 Analyze how psychological theories relate to behavior disturbance:
Behavior disturbance can be changes in the age of childhood to death. It indicates the Attention Deficit Disorder. There are several kinds of disorder in here:
Attention Deficit Disorder makes great difficulties to the toddler and it also makes the change of human behavior. On the young age, they do work and many activities without thinking and consequences of it. In the matter of social development, this syndrome is connected to the cognitive process. This is the cause of attention disorder to the people. There are two ways to solve this problem such as psychotherapy treatment and give the treatment of medications. In the young age, the people are eager to the result of medication for this problem. For the children, there are several arguments that influence in the medication to remove this problem. Some specialists argued that the positive result of medication (Greene, 2003).
AC 3.3 Analyze how Psychological theory helps to understand mental health disorder:
Mental health disorder is the behavior function that happened due to the biological, social, psychological, genetic or other factors. This is also called the mental illness. Here are different types of mental health disorders descried:
Psychosis: this is very harmful mental problem for the human being. Psychosis is focused by an impaired relationship with reality. People who are psychosis may have either hallucinations or delusions. For example, a person having an auditory hallucination may hear their mother yelling at them when their mother is not around.
Schizophrenia: It is a chronic and severe mental disorder that influences how a person thinks, behaves and feels. People with Schizophrenia may seem like they lost touch with reality. There are some positive symptoms happened due to Schizophrenia such as hallucinations, delusions, thought disorders and the negative symptoms such as reduced feeling, flat affect, reduced speaking etc.
AC 3.4 Evaluate the application psychological principles to affect the behavior change in health and social care setting:
For the psychical and social care, there are different significant theories in the matter of behavior modification. In addition this case, psychodynamic, psychotherapy, counter transfers are the most selected theories for this matter. Health and social care is very important factors of human lifespan and developing health and behavior change of human is essential. The theories of behavior changes are effective in health promoting. The main determinant of behavior include with personal, environment and behavior characteristics. Behavior modification is usually made up the social infrastructure and particular performance (Jarvis, 2004).
AC 3.5 Analyze how psychological theories help to improve the relationship between health and social care:
There are some theories such as depth psychology, resistance; neutrality of therapy helps to development the relationship between health and social care. Some of these theories help to identify the relationship with family, workplace, friends, care workers etc. it is very important in health and social care. When the relationship stays the lack of responsibility from family members it can make the negative impact about mental health. Behavior change depends on different folks and social elements. The psychological theories also give a proper understanding about the relationship and other mental behavior process and due to that it can contain the knowledge of negative behaviors. For example, if the situation and environment is good for individual, the mental condition will be better for this person. When the internal and external environment is not safe for the individual the mental condition of the person will be bad (Palombo, Bendicsen and Koch, 2009).
Conclusion: Psychology in health and social care deals with the human in different mental activities. At the ending of this assignment, it has been said that, there are many theories regarding human behavior that works to define the psychological activities, building social relationship and communicate with the people lived in society.
Barlow, D. (2001). Clinical handbook of psychological disorders. New York: Guilford Press.
Dobson, K. (2012). Cognitive therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Fass, P. (2004). Encyclopedia of children and childhood. New York, N.Y.: Macmillan Reference USA.
French, D. (2010). Health psychology. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
Greene, S. (2003). The psychological development of girls and women. London: Routledge.
Jarvis, M. (2004). Psychodynamic psychology. London: Thomson.
Nezu, A., Nezu, C. and Geller, P. (2012). Handbook of Psychology, Health Psychology. Wiley.
Palombo, J., Bendicsen, H. and Koch, B. (2009). Guide to psychoanalytic developmental theories. New York, NY: Springer.
Parker, M. (2012). Ethical problems and genetics practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Reynolds, C. and Fletcher-Janzen, E. (2009). Handbook of clinical child neuropsychology. New York: Springer.
Rosner, R., Lyddon, W. and Freeman, A. (2004). Cognitive therapy and dreams. New York: Springer Pub. Co.
Sanderson, C. (2004). Health psychology. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.
Srivastava, N. (2006). Educational psychology. New Delhi: Pragun Publications.
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