Thursday, July 26, 2018

BTEC HND in Business Module Booklet


BTEC HND in Business Module Booklet


Unit 30
Internet Marketing



Essential Content (Apni task dhore dore jakhon answer korte jaben takhon must ai Essential content porben aikhane suggestion dewa ache kon question er answer er moddhe kon kon biosy theke thakte hobe)

LO1 Understand marketing through the internet:
The elements of internet marketing: definition of digital marketing; definition of e-commerce and e-business; the internet micro- and macro-environment; benefits of internet marketing e.g. reach, scope, immediacy, interactivity, targeting; adaptive and closed loop marketing
The internet marketing mix: product and branding; place e.g. channels, virtual organisations; price e.g. auctions; promotions; people; processes; physical evidence; digital marketing tools/e-tools; the online marketing matrix including business and consumer markets; the online customer
Interactive order processing: choosing a supplier; selecting a product; check stock availability; placing order; authorisation of payment; input of data; data transfer; order processing; online confirmation and delivery information; tracking of order; delivery; data integrity and security systems; technology e.g. three-tier architecture (client-server-database); webforms.

LO2 Be able to use the internet for promotion using digital marketing communications
Search engine marketing (SEM): definition of SEM, definition of search engine optimisation (SEO); advantages and disadvantages of SEO; best practice in
SEO; paid search engine marketing, pay per click advertising (PPC); landing pages; long tail concept; geo-targeting e.g. Google AdWords; opt in email and email marketing
Online public relations (OPR): definition; advantages and disadvantages; best practice in OPR; online partnerships and affiliation; interactive display advertising; mobile commerce; viral marketing; using offline techniques to support online media
The internet as a community: customer ‘ownership’ of sites via interactivity, instant messaging (IM); chatrooms; discussion groups; blogs; portals e.g. yahoo; social media networks e.g. Facebook; file sharing sites e.g. YouTube;
Flickr, Twitter; how businesses can use these media; online reputation management tactics

LO3 Be able to produce market research to support customer relationship management
Marketing planning:
Market research: secondary research data e.g. published surveys and reports, online research communities; Google insights and trends; blogs; government information e.g. census; types of research e.g. researching customer needs; types of information required e.g. quantitative data or qualitative data; primary market research methods e.g. online surveys; open and closed questions; focus groups; listening labs
Steps in online market research: establish the project goals eg secondary research – background to a business problem, primary research – new product for existing customers; determine your sample; choose research methodology e.g. survey sent via email or advertised online; create your questionnaire e.g.; pre-test the questionnaire; conduct interviews; enter data; analyse data; produce the reports
Relationship marketing: benefits of relationship marketing e.g. loyalty, lower costs, easier targeting; electronic customer relationship marketing (eCRM); operational CRM; analytical CRM and data mining e.g. Amazon past purchase suggestions – collaborative filtering; web analytics; conversion optimisation; segmenting customers e.g. by value, by loyalty; eCRM technology e.g.
SalesForce software; implementing eCRM eg attracting new and existing customers, incentivising customers, embrace, capturing information; collaborative CRM; maintaining dialogue online and offline; vendor relationship management VRM
Security and trust issues: ‘permission marketing’; value of orders; lead times; payment authorised in advance; consumer trust; transaction security e.g. data, financial details; UK Data Protection Act

LO4 Be able to design an internet marketing plan
The internet marketing plan: situational analysis, key performance indicators in internet marketing e.g. click through rates, churn rates, sessions; SWOT e.g. examination of business strengths e.g., customer data, weaknesses, opportunities e.g. opt in email campaigns, threats; environmental analysis; competitors analysis; channel analysis e.g. texting; set objectives; target markets e.g. segmenting by channel; decide media e.g. pay per click; control; feedback
Creating an online pay per click campaign: preplanning e.g. online and offline analysis of the business (as above); customer demographics; the industry and competitors; goal definition e.g. branding campaigns; set budget, Cost Per
Action (CPA) and targets; keyword research; copywriting; bidding; measure; analysing; testing; optimising

Recommended Resources
Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F., Mayer, R., & Johnston, K.  (2009) Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice.  4th Ed.  Essex: Pearson
Other Recommended Texts
Coupey, E.  (2005)  Digital Business: Concepts and Strategies.  2nd Ed.  Essex: Pearson
Dann, S. and Dann, S. (2003) Strategic Internet Marketing 2.0. Halsted Pr
Smith, P.R. & Chaffey, D. (2005) eMarketing Excellence: The Heart of eBusiness.  Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
Strauss, J., El-Ansary, E., Frost R. (2006) E-Marketing.  International Edition, 4th Edition.  Pearson
Journal of Marketing
Harvard Business Review

American Marketing Association                      
Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK)           


Assignment brief


Unit 30
Internet Marketing

Assignment title
A case study for Smart Restorations Limited
Word count
3000 – 4000 words approximately
Purpose of this assignment
 The assignment will test learner’s understanding of, and skills in, the use of the complex interactive digital media which comprise the tools of internet marketing.
Case study: Smart Restorations Limited
Contact: Leslie Mann, Managing Director
Location: London
Industry: Office Furniture
Annual revenue: Confidential
Number of employees: Confidential
Smart Restorations Limited is a small firm that specializes in buying and selling used and refurbished office furniture systems. In August 2014, as the nation was recovering from a recession, the company knew that it had to act quickly to position itself on the leading edge of the recovery. Smart Restorations knew that it could use the Internet to get its name out to customers that would be ready to buy when the economy picked up again.
After exploring options, the company has decided to partner with your firm Medium Blue Search Engine Marketing to improve their websites and conversion rate. Smart Restorations Limited’s has an ambitious project to triple its sales figure over a two-year period and increase its exposure on the major search engines to among the highest in the industry.
With an ever-changing inventory, the company's marketing team recognized that print brochures would not have as much versatility as their Web site, making Internet marketing a major priority.
As the e–Marketing manager for Medium Blue Search Engine Marketing you have been given the brief and the Managing Director of Smart Restorations Limited has requested a meeting to understand how internet marketing works.
You are required to prepare brief notes for the meeting to;
1.1           Explain the elements of internet marketing
1.2           Evaluate the internet marketing mix
1.3           Compare internet marketing tools, eTools that will be used
1.4           Examine how the interactive order processing will work

Task 2
Prepare a five minutes video or audio presentation with transcript for your meeting with Leslie Mann the Managing Director of Smart Restorations Limited to demonstrate to him how search engine marketing works and how the company profile can built using online platform.
Your video should;
2.1           Demonstrate the mechanics of search engine marketing
2.2           Show a suitable opt-in email marketing newsletter written by you
2.3           Follow guidelines for best practice in online public relations
2.4           Demonstrate how businesses can use new digital media communities, e.g. file-sharing sites

Tasks 3 & 4
Having agreed to work with Smart Restorations Limited you will lead the marketing team to deliver on the brief.
Your tasks is to;
3.1           Conduct a secondary market research to gain an understanding of the industry or the market.
3.2           Design an online survey to understanding what stops shoppers from buying online (suggestion would be to use online marketing firm Survey Monkey or other suitable websites)
3.3           Demonstrate how the use of electronic customer relationship marketing can be used to manage and analyse customer interactions

4.1           Produce an outline internet marketing plan
4.2           Create a poster presentation on pay per click advertising

Glossary of academic words used in this and other assignments

Account for
Give reasons for: explain why something happens.
Examine something in very close detail and from a number of angles. Identify the important points and chief features, and understand their relationships.
Present a case for and against a proposal or statement and present your own opinion at the end.
Show how two or more things are similar.
Look at two or more things and draw out differences. State whether the differences are significant.
Critically evaluate
Weigh arguments for and against something, assess the strength of evidence on both Faisales.
Give the exact meaning of.
Give a detailed account of the main features or characteristics ...
Write about the most important characteristics of something. Give arguments for and against, look at it from a variety of perspectives.
Identify the differences between two items.
Assess the worth or usefulness of something. Use evidence to support your opinion.
Look at something in detail. You may be expected to 'critically evaluate' it as well.
Make it clear why something happens or why it is the way it is.
Recognise name and briefly describe something.
Use examples to further explain or justify something. Could be visual or verbal.
Explain the meaning or significance of information or data that you are presenting.
Provide evidence that supports an argument or idea.
Give only the main points, show only the main structure.
Present evidence in a logical structure to support an argument for a point of view.
Relate (Two meanings)
1. Show how ideas / theories/ events etc are linked or connected.
2. Tell a story. Explain something in a narrative fashion.
Survey and comment on the key aspects of something or a range of things.
Give the main features clearly and simply.
Draw out the main points, omitting detail and examples.
To what extent…
How far is something true, or contributes to a final outcome. Also how far is it not true? In academic writing the answer is usually somewhere in the middle.
Describe the development of something; follow the order of different stages in an event or process.
Adapted from Cottrell.S.(2003) The Study Skills Handbook. Basingstoke. Palgrave.

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